
Ibhar empowers healthcare providers to implement and sustain practices that lead to improved Patient safety and Quality of care resulting in NABH accreditation.


Get every employee to Learn all that is required for their role using the Ibhar Learn app. Engage with self assessments and scores.


Get area incharges to not just know what to do, but ensure that they plan how and when to put in place. Drive with a Score based goal.


Record data easily in each work area everyday. Enhanced Audits with the easy to use Ibhar tool improves compliance to practice.


With information related to adherence and outcomes now available easily, reviews frequently resulting in continual improvements.


We help you train 100% of your employees.

Drastically reducing cost, ensuring staff know what is required from them. Significantly reducing errors, improving clinical outcomes and enhancing patient experience, resulting in higher profitability.

Drastically reducing cost, ensuring staff know what is required from them. Significantly reducing errors, improving clinical outcomes and enhancing patient experience, resulting in higher profitability.


Get employees in each area to be in control.

With the Ibhar Accredit mobile app get employees to know what to “put in place” Help them plan. Review progress.  Get insights from in-built resource repository, FAQs and knowledge base.  

Speak to  experts. Get a consultant to visit you only when required. 


Strengthen adherence. Improve Continually

Audit Practice &

Monitor practices continually, some daily, some weekly. Audit 100% of case sheets everyday.

Learn from Patient Feedback

Get Feedback, resolve immediately. Enhance patient experience.

Continuous Quality Improvement

Capture pre-set data at each area, automatically compute key performance indicators. Perform corrective and preventive action.


Review Outcomes

Pre-defined Dashboards assist you to review outcomes easily. Drastically reducing cost, time spent while enhancing the quality of data.

Review outcomes at your convenience available any time. Document decisions. Initiate action. Follow through with decisions easily significantly reducing gaps between decisions and action.

Ibhar helps you get your organization involved completely and provides key stakeholders with the ability to monitor and provide direction.
GET BETTER RESULTS BY implementing ibhar TODAY!

Strengthen your Clinical Governance processes

Leverage  a host of services provided by our partners.

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