
Ibhar empowers your organization the ability to deliver better quality care resulting in improved patient experience and clinical outcomes at optimal costs.

Global Health Challenge

The Cost of NOT focusing on Infection Prevention and Control

Comprehensive Solutions
Simple & Low Cost

Many Infection Prevention and Control measures are simple and low cost. The huge cost burden due to HAIs are preventable and the solutions are :


Improve Reporting and Surveillance systems at healthcare institutions.


Ensure minimum requirements related to facilities and dedicated resources are available for HAI surveillance.


Ensure CORE COMPONENTS for Infection Control are in place


Improve Staff Education and Accountability

It is Possible !!

There are simple and cost effective solutions available  in addressing infection prevention and control but implementation and execution have posed questions. Technology has been found to be an effective enabler in addressing some of these implementation challenges. 

With the proliferation of mobile internet and easier access, solutions can be delivered and mass personalized to the need of healthcare organizations and their staff. This makes it convenient for institutions to focus on the daily activities while the staff can learn and improve their work practices. Growing availability of authentic and localised data by the use of information technology makes it possible for the decision makers to identify bottlenecks in their healthcare settings. Hence they can explore  solutions in preventing spread of infections, minimize adverse events and manage occupational hazards in better ways.

Achieve these with Ibhar

With Ibhar approach and solutions healthcare organizations can easily implement practices at extremely low costs and time. Ibhar provides a comprehensive solution to improving patient safety.

Shorten the path to Accreditation

Ibhar provides the ability to put Processes and Practices in place across the organization, brings about specific staff accountability and enables staff to Learn all that they need. With staff and management empowered with content and tools, practices fall in place with ease quickly. 

Quality is no no longer limited to just the quality department. With Ibhar Accreditation becomes incidental. Organizations receive accreditation because they have implemented work culture of continual improvement, not the other way around.

Use the patented methodology to get and sustain accreditation in a time bound and measurable manner.

A comprehensive set of tools that ensure you have implemented a Clinical Governance based work culture in your organization. 

Addresses the 7 pillars of clinical governance.

Manage and control Infection with ease. Based on CDC and WHO guidelines, the Ibhar IPC provides you the ability to manage all areas of preventing and controlling infection in your organization.

Achieve financial, operational and clinical objectives with ease. Ibhar GREPP provides you with a complete grip o your business. Improve processes efficiencies with Ibhar Process Manager.

Improve your control over NABH Accreditation with Ibhar
Are you driving Quality based on an accreditation process ?.
Do you know your compliance to :

Ibhar empowers your organization the ability to deliver better quality care resulting in improved patient experience and clinical outcomes at optimal costs

GET BETTER RESULTS BY implementing ibhar TODAY!

Listen to what experts have to say !!

EHS-Q solution for malls

Ibhar EHS-Q based solution for Malls has been launched for making Malls complaint to safety protocols as per the CDC/ WASH guidelines of QCI. Malls can now also display the compliance by each outlet and build confidence of the those who frequent the malls on adherence to COVID-19 infection prevention measures.

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Ibhar powers CAHO initiative of CONVERT

CONVERT Learning from Events improves Quality of care and keeps patients safe. Ibhar powers the CAHO initiative of Confidential National Voluntary Event Reporting by designing, building and operationalizing the Tools (CONVERT) to report, manage and analyze Events from healthcare providers.

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Strengthen your Clinical Governance processes

Leverage  a host of services provided by our partners.

connect with OUR PARTNERS

The Ibhar-3M Pragati program enables organizations to improve their knowledge and practice capability in the areas of Infection control and Infusion nursing.

The Ibhar-IMA NHB Tamilnadu relationship provides healthcare providers to implement practices through a technology enabled hand-holding process resulting in NABH certification.

Attend CAHO Webinars and improve Knowledge. Get yourself certified as a professional in quality implementation in healthcare.

Strengthen your Infection Control practices with the AHPI Infection control program. Train ICNs and Link nurses.

Strengthen your Laboratory quality program with FQI Quality manager program.

Our clients

Committed to Quality and Patient Safety